Farm Fields
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There are two hay fields and two pastures on High Meadows Farm. The largest one is the Upper Hay Field (named for being the field higher on the hill). A second field located below the barn is called the Lower Hay Field. The Back Pasture is located south of the Farm House and the Lower Pasture is located just east of the Back Pasture. Haying takes place on the Upper and Lower Hay Fields.
Upper Hay Field
View from top of Upper Hay Field Looking to Farmhouse.
This is the view of the Upper Hay Field from the Farmhouse.
Upper Hay Field - Sep 2004. In the left of the photo is the treeline and
stone wall. A walking path is cut along the outer perimeter of the field
inside the stone wall. The far tree line is the east edge of the property
Lower Hay Field
Back Pasture
View of the Back Pasture from the Garden Shed
Back Pasture. Photo taken in Fall 2020.
See more pictures of the Cow
Pasture Rock.
Lower Pasture
View of Lower Pasture from Farmhouse