Farm Equipment
There is a lot of equipment needed to operate a farm - even a small family farm. Some pictures and descriptions of the equipment currently on the farm are provided below.
This is a picture of the Allis-Chalmers farm tractor. The tractor probably dates to the mid-1950s. It was bought used in 1975. This was the primary tractor used for haying. It also was used to pull a large wagon that took cut firewood out of the woods. It was not unusual to see this tractor riding the different trails in the woods.
The Allis-Chalmers tractor is still on the farm today in the back pasture by the far (south) stone wall and hasn't run for since the early 2000s. The hay bailer seen in the above photo is still attached to the rear of the tractor.
The hay was bailed into retangular 'squares' by the Hesston hay bailer (above photo) towed through the hay field by the tractor. The hay bales would be picked up by hand and put on the bed of a pickup truck and trailer and then stored in the barn's hay loft. The farm produced enough hay to feed five cows, 30 sheep, and other assorted animals through the winter. Bringing in the hay once a year was an extended family event - sometimes with over 20 family members taking part over 2-3 days.
This is the farm's fertilizer spreader. Lime, fertilizer, and other materials would be poured into the fertilizer bins through the two top covers. It would then be pulled by a tractor through the fields. (photo Sep 2020, located at bottom of top hayfield)
John Deere Tractor. This tractor was used for landscaping and heavy
work although it was also used for moving farm machinery. The tractor
usually had two attachments to include a front plow and a backhoe
that mounted in the rear. In the late
years it fell into disrepair and
was given to the friend of a family
John Deere Tractor with Backhoe. The backhow was useful for
digging out ditches and trenches and removing rocks from the fields.
It also dug the basement out for the construction of the basement
under the new addition in the late 1970s. (two bedrooms, two baths, and the kitchen).
Every farm has small lawnmower to clean up the yard. This mower
saw double duty as it served as a small utility tractor as well. The
wooden cart it is pulling once was a dolly. The dolly was laid flat and
the cart built on it. Making do with what you got!
ATV. Great for hauling the small utility wagon or bringing cut firewood in from the wood piles in the woods along trails.
There are several old wheels from farm wagons and machinery scattered about the High Meadows Farm.